Google Assistant

Control Good Life products with voice commands in Urdu & English with any Google Assistant enabled device.

Download Google Home App

Download Google Home app from for Android and from for iPhone. After installation login to Google Home app with your Google account.

Account Linking

Follow these steps to link Good Life cloud account with Google Assistant.

  1. On Google Home app, tap + sign on top left corner and select Set up device.

  2. On Setup up device screen, select Work with Google.

  3. On Home control screen, search Good Life Tech.

  4. Sign in with your Good Life app account and agree to account linking terms.

  5. Wait for few seconds and your account is now linked with Google Assistant.

You can now use Google Assistant voice commands on any device where you login with your Google account.

Using Google Assistant

After successful account linking you can use following commands

  • Okay Google, turn ON Bedroom. (This will turn ON everything in Bedroom)

  • Okay Google, turn OFF Bedroom lamp. (This will only turn OFF Bedroom lamp)

  • Okay Google, unlock gate. (This will unlock device name gate)

  • Hey Google, turn ON lamp and ceiling light in Living Room. (This will turn ON Living Room ceiling light and lamp)

  • Hey Google, turn OFF everything at midnight (This will turn OFF everything at 12:00 AM)

  • Hey Google, increase fan speed. (This will increase fan speed from low to medium or from medium to high)

  • Hey Google, set temperature to 26. (This will set AC temperature to 26 of current room)

  • Hey Google, turn OFF AC and turn ON fan at 4 AM. (This will turn OFF room AC and turn ON fan to last speed at 4 AM in night)

Sync Changes to Google

If you made any changes in Good Life app like changing room or device name, you can sync those changes from Settings -> Sync with Google.

Deleting device or remove sharing of device will auto sync with Google Assistant.

Last updated